Journal W/ Me - 10-Day Guide Towards Building an Authentic Relationship with God
The purpose of the Journal W/ Me brand is to provide teen girls and women printable journal templates that have daily journal prompts surrounding a general focus to help foster introspection.
Why Journal W/ Me?
We live in a world that teaches us to look outside ourselves to discover who we are instead of within. Journaling helps with self-discovery and can assist with processing thoughts, feelings and fears.
10-Day Guide Towards Building a Relationship w God
Whether you are a new believer or not, we all have room to grow closer to our Heavenly Father! I was inspired to release a 10-day Guide after going through these questions I asked myself!This guide will assist women in building a closer relationship with God through reflection, letters and prayer.10-day template includes suggested scripture reading for each day.Journal with an open mind and heart!